Thursday, 3 September 2015

Can your body really heal itself?

     Can your body really heal itself? Under ideal conditions, your body can do a good job in repairing itself. The human body is designed in such a way.

    How does your body heal itself? It has a system in place and it is called as immune system. It has got extraordinary capacities of healing. Imagine this situation: On a daily basis, your body is exposed to smoke, toxins, gases, poisons and on the other hand, microorganisms like bacteria, virus and fungi. If your body isn't fighting with all of them, you would have been non-existent on this planet.

      Your immune system is nothing but a complex network of organs, tissues and cells which offer protection from various foreign invasions. All diseases can be kept at bay when you have your immunity in place. The moment a microorganism tries to enter your system, your immune system sends an army to attack the parasite. This is how you are being protected from infections, diseases and in fact this is how you are being healed after an injury. 

    When you are suffering from fever, it just means that your body is busy fighting with some foreign bodies that are trying to harm you. In a way, both inflammation and fever are necessary aspects of human survival.

   Your immune system includes your hormones, antibodies, white blood cells, spleen, thymus, bone marrow and skin too. In fact lymph and blood tend to flow to various parts of your body to distribute the components of immune system to the whole body.

    The moment a problem arises, your white blood cells get into a fight. They use antibodies as their ammunition. They don't rest until the foreign body is overpowered. The lifespan of these white blood cells is just about 2-3 weeks.

     Have you wondered what inflammation is? The swelling and redness are a result of your body's response to something that irritated it.

    When you are suffering from fever, your body is busy sending army of white blood cells to combat with foreign bodies or micro-organisms. In that phase, your metabolism may speed up.

     Being happy is being healthy. How? When the release of feel good chemicals is more, it is indirectly good for your immune system.

      When you skip sleep for a few days, you suddenly tend to start catching cold or other minor infections. This is because your body's immune power gets diminished when you skip sleep.

    Stress literally taxes your immune system in a terrible way. Say no to it at least now!!!

    Sunlight helps your body prepare itself to fight against certain types of issues like cancers and depression. But also remember that a sun burn can affect the immunity in a bad way.

     When your immune system attacks your own cells then it is a condition called autoimmune disease.

    Not all germs are harmful. Some micro organisms are required for our survival whereas some harm us. Your body fights only with those bad boys. 

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