Sunday, 6 September 2015

Avoid These Foods For Better Love Making

         Love making is a noble act between a husband and a wife. It is very essential for a healthy relationship between them. Love making is a way to share your love and gives immense pleasure to the couple. Studies have proved that regular love making is very essential for a healthy living because it is a great exercise for every part of your body. However, when making love, it is very essential that both the husband and wife satisfy each other to the fullest. One important aspect that plays a vital role in love making is the food you consume. So, if you want your bedroom to be a bliss, better beware of unhealthy foods and beverages.

          Have you ever felt that you have a lower drive for love making? If so, have you ever given a thought on what are the foods to avoid for better love making life? This is the true with many people. They have a lesser drive for love making but are not aware of the foods to avoid for better love life

          We all think that consumption of low-fat foods can help us from becoming fat and obese. However, a certain amount of fat is definitely essential for a healthy living. It is the excessive sugar and carbohydrates that lead to weight gain and make you fat. Abundance of sugar and carbohydrates in food lead to tiredness, fatigue and a lower drive for love making. This article helps you with tips on the foods to avoid for better love making life.

Burgers And Hot-Dogs: 

         Come weekends, and we all want to grab some burgers and hotdogs containing low-grade meat. These can cause inflammation and also make your love making hormones weak. Especially in males, the love making hormone called testosterone which is essential for a fulfilling love making life, gets weakened. You can rather prefer fish or grass-fed meat which is healthy and will keep you at peak in your bedroom.

Ice Creams: 

      Ice-cream is everyone's favourite. But it is completely packed with sugars and artificial sweeteners. Thereby it is for sure, one of the foods to avoid for love making life.

French Fries: 

      Loaded with trans-fats, French fries are really addictive. It can easily cause a bloating and weight gain in you. And the worst of all is that it kills your love making drive. Not only French fries, but all fried foods seem to make you less active at love making.


   Just consider this your enemy. Many people are mistaken thinking that diet sodas are healthy, however, it is not. It only causes weight gain and makes you lose your interest in love making.

Alcohol And Mixed Drinks: 

         Alcohol, as we all know kills you. No good are mixed drinks because they also contain certain amount of alcohol. This increases your blood sugar level and also lowers your love making drive.


     Pastas increase the glucose level and fat in your body, making you sluggish and inactive at love making. So, next time you want to have a nice time with your partner at bed, do keep in mind what are the foods to avoid for better love making life. It is always good to eat healthy food and avoid packaged and processed food.

How To Maintain A Steady Heart Rate?

           Heart rate or pulse indicates the blood pumped in the body by our heart. Heart rate represents the number of times the heart beats in one minute. Heart rate helps to understand if there is any heart disorder. It is necessary to know your heart rate as it indicates the health of our heart. For a normal person, heart rate varies from 60-100 beats per minute. You can check your heart rate or pulse on your wrist, side of your neck and inside the elbow. To get your heartbeat accurately, count your pulse for 60 seconds. 

      Heart rate is considered normal if the heart beats lie within the range of 60-100. If they are less than 40 or more than 120 per minute, it indicates that you may be suffering from some heart problems. Heart rate should be controlled and maintained. Unsteady heart rate can be due to stress, exercise or any heart defect. Unbalanced heart rate can be pre symptoms to heart strokes and heart attacks. To maintain a steady heart rate, you must take care of yourself. 
       This article gives a few simple tips to maintain your heart rate at a steady pace. Follow these tips and keep your heart healthy.

Eat healthy 

       To keep the heart beat or heart race steady you must keep a control on your eating habits. Avoid high cholesterol food, unsaturated fat filled food and oily foods. These foods affect the heart rate. To keep a steady heart rate you must eat healthy vegetables, fruits and whole grains. You must also keep your weight in check. Obesity can be one reason for irregular or unsteady heart rate.

Exercise regularly 

      Too much of exercising can cause increase in heart rate. But moderate exercising is quite necessary to keep the heart rate at a steady pace. It is not required that you must do only vigorous gym exercising. You can do exercises like aerobics, yoga and dancing. When you do not have any physical stress, heart rate decreases. This is because when you are at rest, the body does not need more blood supply. Exercising regularly ensures that the heart rate does not decrease and the body metabolism stays intact.

Sleep Well 

      Rest is very important to steady your heart rate. If your day is physically busy and stressful, your heart rate is always at a peak. To steady the rate and give your heart a much needed rest, you must sleep well. The heart calms down or rests when you are sleeping. The heart rate also becomes steady. You must have a daily rest of at least 6-8 hours at a stretch. Over exertion and lack of sleep can also cause problems with your heart rate and heart.

Reduce stress and panic 

      Our heart rate is supposed to go higher if you panic or get stressed over something. This has negative effects on the working of the heart. It may even cause heart strokes or heart attacks. Therefore, to maintain a steady heart rate, keep yourself happy. Do not stress over issues and keep calm. The more you are stressed, the more you invite heart problems.


     Unwanted chemicals and toxins can also accumulate to slow down our heart rate. To keep the body clean, detoxify you in regular intervals of time. Avoid alcohol, drugs and smoke which would increase the toxin content of your body and increase the risk of heart related disorders.

7 Factors That Affect Your Heart Rate

          Understanding the factors that affect your heart rate is important in today's stressful world. If your heart rate is high, your risk of developing certain types of heart problems might increase. Also, a higher heart rate signifies stress within your system. When your body is in a state of rest, your heart is supposed to beat at a normal rate.

      Health experts say that it is important to lower your heart rate naturally in order to avoid certain health issues. Rapid heart rates also create anxiety in you. In fact, if there is pain in the chest when the rates are going high, medical attention is surely required at the earliest. If you are walking fast or taking the stairs instead of the lift, it is normal to experience faster heart rates but gradually when you relax, the heart must naturally slow down. If it doesn't, then it is a cause of concern. In fact, even some types of foods can affect your heart rate.

     There are certain things that affect heart rate. Stress on a physical level as well as emotional level can be one affecting factor. Also, some diseases and medications may also affect your heart rate. Let us discuss about other things that affect heart rate. 


      All of us have experienced a situation where the heart beats rapidly due to the emotional stress we undergo. Both fear and anxiety can alter the rate of your heart beat


      Your heart rate can fluctuate due to fever, infections or certain disorders which affect your immunity.


     Party drugs are said to be among the things that affect heart rate. It is better to stay away from them for this reason too.


     When you perform an exercise, it is quite natural for your heart to beat faster. Your heart tries to respond to the demands of your physical activity.

Heart Diseases 

      Almost all types of heart diseases interfere with the heart rate and cause lots of problems. This is one of the factors that affect your heart rate


    When you are exposed to severe temperatures, your heart struggles to pump enough blood in an attempt to adjust your system to the heat. This may lead to higher heart rates.


    When you are dehydrated, you might experience a change in your heart beat as your heart will struggle to pump blood in the absence of water.

5 Strange Computer Related Disorders

     When can you call your condition a computer disorder? When your condition is due to regular and excessive use of computers, laptops, tablets and other cyber related technology. It is an accepted fact now that technology is making us sick at the same pace with which it is bettering our lives. Now a days, every profession is more about sitting in front of the computer than any kind of physical labour. So to call such computer related health issues occupational hazards is not wrong. 

    Here are some of unique computer disorders that you may not even be aware of. 

1. Trigger Finger: 

        Have you ever felt a catch in your fingers when you try to straighten them? It is because of a lump in your finger joints. The tendons of the fingers loose their flexibility, as a result there is a tendency that your fingers get locked and open with a popping sound. Earlier trigger finger was a orthopedic condition in old age (post 50) but now it is a occupation hazard of keeping your fingers on the mouse 24x7! 

2. Red Shoulder: 

         This is a common ailment of all the techies! However it is more of a lifestyle disorder than anything else. Earlier people carried briefcases or folders to office, now the carry laptop bags. The difficulty is that these laptop bags strapped to every young man and woman's shoulders are heavy and beyond a point put unnecessary strain on the shoulder muscles. The result is severe pain on the shoulders (that become red) 

3. Computer Posture Disorder: 

          Can you sit straight for 8 hours in a day? It is very difficult even if you leave out the late nights and extra shifts. The tendency of the body is to slouch or settle into a more comfortable position. The result is a disorder that occurs due to bad posture. The effects are persistent back and neck pain that refuses to go away with balms or pain relief sprays. 

4. Vision Disorder Or Dry Eyes: 

          It doesn't matter if you wear anti-glare glasses, bad eye sight is an occupational hazard of staring at a glowing screen continuously. The weird part of this when we are staring at the screen, we tend to blink much

   fewer times that is normal or than we should. The eyes dry out and you come home rubbing them. It may sound like a small problem but it can cause very serious problems after a couple of years. 

5. Impotency: Do not be surprised. 

          Impotency is a common occupational hazard these days. If you keep your laptop directly on your lap then you have killed quite a few innocent sperms by now. Always use a plank or tray table to protect your reproductive organs from damage or this could be a cause of impotency after sustained use. Follow some good health tips and to avoid these computer disorders because you cannot work with an unfit body.

How To Protect Your Eyes From Computer

      Have you heard of computer vision syndrome? Well, today most of us work on computers. This involves watching the monitor for the whole day. Is it healthy for your eyes?

     Well, your eyes get strained when you keep looking at the monitor for 8 long hours a day. How to prevent eye strain from computer? Well, there are some simple steps about which we shall discuss in this post. Protecting your eyes from the radiation is more important as your eyes may get dry and strained. Gradually, certain vision related disorders may also occur.


    Your productivity may also get reduced drastically if you ignore this problem. Some people even suffer red eyes after working for too long with intense focus.

Lighting Conditions 

     Check the light conditions in your workspace. Excessively bright light or dim light may strain your eyes. Get expert advice in the ideal conditions of interior lighting so that your eyes can work without strain.

Calibrate Your Display Settings 

     Adjust the brightness and contrast settings of your monitor according to the comfort levels of your eyes.


   Eye experts say that blinking helps your eyes prevent irritation. Ensure that you blink often to avoid dryness.

Divert Your Eyes Often 

      Computer radiation can damage your eyes. Instead of constantly looking at your monitor it is good to look around once in every 15 minutes.


   Even glare is one factor that has to be reduced. Getting an anti-glare panel installed on the monitor may help you protect your eyes. You can also use glasses that protect your eyes from the glare.

Take Frequent Breaks 

     Frequent breaks help your eyes relax after they are strained. Never work for long hours in a single stretch.

Regular Check-ups 

     Regular check ups will help you a lot in preventing certain vision issues that are a result of computer radiation.

Buy A New Monitor 

     If your monitor is too old, get a new one which is easier on your eyes.

Why Men Should Quit Alcohol After 30

       Quitting alcohol could be the best decision in your life especially if you are a man who just crossed 30 years of age. 
       Though the withdrawal effects of quitting alcohol could be severe during the first few days. The benefits would keep you happy for a lifetime.

      A recent survey claims that most of the men in the age group of 30-50 complained about weaker libido levels and the reason was excessive consumption of alcohol and stress levels. 

     After quitting alcohol, most of them could see an improvement in their performance levels. This is why experts suggest men to curb alcohol intake after 30 years.

    Though most of us know that moderate consumption of wine is good for health, it is better to stay away from such habits as we can never stay in limits once we get used to alcohol.

Better Bed-Life 

     We all know the fact that alcohol spoils libido. Especially, men can experience better erections after quitting alcohol.

Better Judgement 

    As alcohol seriously impairs your judgement, you tend to make bad decisions when you are drunk. But once you quit, you are surely a better person.

Productive Weekend 

     You can be more productive during weekends as you don't have parties and hangovers.

Confidence Levels 

      When you don't smell like a chemical, you will be more confident in social settings.


    As alcohol fills you with empty calories, you tend to struggle with weight issues when you drink regularly. After quitting, weight management tends to be easier.

Disease Free 

    As alcohol seriously damages your liver and causes certain other ailments, after quitting it, your overall health improves.

Sleep Patterns 

     Though most of us never observe it, alcohol seriously plays around with sleep patterns. After quitting it, you can sleep peacefully.

Better Mood 

     As alcohol is a depressant, quitting it helps you enjoy stable moods every day.

10 Habits Of Fit Men

        Are you interested in knowing about the habits of fit men? Well, the difference between a fit person and an unfit man is nothing but healthy lifestyle choices.

        Yes, fitness is something that must be earned. You earn money by working in your office. You will earn fitness by working in your gym; as simple as that. And then, your food has to be nutritious too. Fit men never ignore the habits of healthy lifestyle as they clearly know that what you do every day adds up to your fitness levels later.

        So, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is what any fit man does on a daily basis. Now, let us know about other such habits of fit men

They Lift Heavy 

       Let's admit it: muscle building is impossible without training your muscles by lifting heavy weights. Men must lift at least when they are young.

They Eat 6 Small Meals 

      Eating big meals is an invitation to belly fat. Fit men know this and they eat six small and healthy meals every day.

They Never Miss Gym 

      They would go late on a date but never will they bunk their workouts in the gym. This is one of the habits of fit men.

They Never Skip Sleep 

       Fit men know that their muscles are built when they are asleep. So, they ensure 8 hours of peaceful sleep.

They Never Skip Meals 

      The body thrives on food. As simple as that. Skipping food is a sin for the fit man whose goal is health and fitness.

They Never Diet 

     Fit people don't even need to diet as they stay in shape. They would go the extra mile and lift heavier if extra calories are to be burnt; but they never diet.

They Wake Up Early 

     Sleeping early and waking up early can help anyone give their best to all their activities in the day. So, fit men do that.

They Take Care Of Joints 

     As we age, the bones and joints may gradually get damaged. Fit men keep an eye on their diet to ensure that they eat sufficient Calcium.

They Stay Away From Smoking And Drinking 

     Fitness is something that you earn with your efforts. Smoking and drinking are actions that hamper your efforts. So, why would fit people enjoy such things?

They Have An Active Lifestyle 

     They would never turn into couch potatoes. They are productive both physically and mentally.

Know How To Manage Stress

        Today ‘stress’ is the inevitable world in your life. Maybe you are a student or office goers, a home maker or a retired person, you are not free from the tough grab of stress and anxiety. If you lead a stressful life, your mental health as well as your physical health will get hampered. If you are a patient of high pressure or diabetes, excessive tension can make things worse. Therefore, it is very necessary to know how to manage stress. 

        Well, a life without any tension cannot be imagined nowadays. But you should know how to manage stress in life. Why do people get stressed? You can’t find specific reasons behind it. If someone is stressed with his studies, some are with the EMIs of his flat and car. If the level of anxiety increases you need to contact any efficient counselor. But there are some ways to manage stress which you can follow easily. How to manage stress when it is at ground level? 
        Remember, measuring stress at the beginning is the only solution to get rid of many mental and physical ailments. Human mind is very powerful. So, you should have the control over things and also eliminate excessive stress from your life. Here are some ways to manage stress in life. Go through to know more-

1. Find Out The Reason Of Stress 

         When you feel stressful your heart beats faster, you sweat a lot and the whole world seems to be breaking on you. But from now on, whenever you feel something like that, try to find out the reason. If you find it out you can take effective action to solve it.

2. Think Positive 

         It is one of the most important steps to know how to manage stress in life. It is true that you can't control every situation. But if you approach positively you can handle the situation.

3. Take Pleasure From Your Work 

        If you don't like what you're doing, you'll definitely be stressed. So, find reasons to like your job. Besides, if your job is very stressful, keep a hobby like painting or singing which makes you relax.

4. Know Time Management 

       You can be an efficient stress manager if you manage your time according to your work. Often you are tensed due to immense work pressure. So, make a to-do list and start to work on it one by one. You don't need to hurry at the last moment.

5. Avoid Alcohol And Nicotine 

        Life is already stressful. Don't give in to indulgences from outside. The stimulants in alcohol, nicotine and caffeine only increase your stress level. Go for fruit juices, water and green tea.

6. Sleep Is Necessary 

       Stressed mind hampers your sleep. But you must know that the more sleep you get, the more you are trouble free. To get a peaceful sleep, try to relax your mind. You can play slow music at your bedside or lit an aromatic candle to soothe your nerves.

7. Do Physical Activities 

       Do you really want to know how to manage stress? Then don't ignore this method. When you're stressed, the level of stress hormones increases in your body which disturbs your immunity. Regular exercise can keep the hormones under control and give you a relaxed mind.

8. Talk To Someone 

       It is a proven way to lessen your stress. If you see that you can't control the situation or don't know how to respond, talk to someone whom you love and trust. That person will surely help you. Hopefully, you now understand the tips on how to manage stress. Just lead a healthy life style, keep your anxieties away and be optimistic about life. If you take control of your life, stress can't ever take control of you.

Internet Sicknesses That Ruin Your Health

      Addicted to the internet, off late? Well, it could be an addiction or it simply could be an illness that you aren't aware of. These days apart from an internet addiction there are several other diseases and health issues people face when they spend several hours on the net.

       From obesity, to deep vein thrombosis to eye strain. The internet has become a silent killer and one of the many reasons why we are all stressed and tensed in life. 

     If you've been suffering from severe eye strain watering of the eyes and flicking, you've been bugged with the so called internet sickness. 
     Likewise, there are many more health problems faced by people who spend countless hours on the internet, take a look at these number of internet sicknesses thriving around the globe, you will be shocked!

The Common Internet Addiction 

     More than a million people suffer from internet addiction, mainly due to porn. Internet addiction is the cause to many health problems like heart diseases, stress, stroke etc.  It is possible to get rid of this internet illness, but it takes a lot of time and effort from the patient.

Limb Disorders 

     The upper limb disorders include: neck tension syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, tendinitis (mainly hands/wrists), tenosynovitis, bursitis, repetitive strain injury (RSI), and Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.

The Facebook Depression 

     More than a billion people are logged onto facebook 24/7 either on the desktop or mobiles. Facebook depression is nothing but one undergoing change of mood swings at the sight of statues posted by people.


     DVT is also called as Deep Vein Thrombosis. This is a popular internet illness which is raging among the younger generation. It is caused due to lack of immobility, where in it leads to the formation of a blood clot in a deep vein causing problems like heart attack or stroke (depending on where the clot has lodged itself).

Back Pains 

    When you sit in a poor posture while working on the desktop or laptop, it leads to severe back pain. This internet problem

also increases when your obese and follow bad habits like smoking.


     There are three types of headaches which are affiliated to the internet. Tension headaches, Chronic Daily Headaches and Stress Headaches. When you are down with any of these internet sicknesses you normally feel unwell and depressed.

Eye Strain 

    Intensely staring at the computer screen for a couple of hours can make your eyes water and itchy, thus leading to eye complications. Avoid staring too much and give your eyes a break when at work.

Habits That Affect The Quality Of Mind

      Your mind is the only weapon that is going to help you out in this lonely world. If your intelligence levels are above average, you can earn better and be successful in all areas of life.

      If the quality of your mind is diminished, your performance may dip in all areas of life. Well, are there any habits that kill your intelligence? Yes there are. You know that meditation and exercises are habits for a healthy brain. In the same way, smoking and drinking can be bad for your mind.

     Remember the fact that a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Focusing on both physical and mental health is the key to ultimate happiness in your life. In fact, if you notice the habits of healthy people, they care a lot for their minds and ensure that they never do any damage through their lifestyles.

Habit #1 

     Too much of sleep is very bad for your mind. In fact, it slows down your faculties and may also raise the risk of depression in some people. 

Habit #2 

     A study claims that the habit of smoking can also interfere with the healthy functioning of your brain and may gradually diminish your memory power.

Habit #3 

    Yes, malnutrition also diminishes your intelligence. Stop dieting and start eating some brain foods to nourish your mind.

Habit #4 

     Stress and its effects need no introduction. Yes, it kills your mind gradually. Keep stress away from your overall life.

Habit #5 

     A sedentary lifestyle is also bad for your mental health and also your mental faculties. An active lifetsyle stimulates your mind. Therefore, start moving.

Habit #6 

     Not sleeping sufficiently may directly impair your cognitive faculties and your overall health very soon. Sleep for at least 7-8 hours a day.

Habit #7 

    Over consumption of alcohol may cause anxiety and depression. And what about your mind? Yes, this habit may hamper your memory power.

Habit #8 

    We know that inactive lifestyle is bad for your body. The same applies to your brain too. If you don't challenge your mind by learning new things every now and then, it may lose its powers.

Habit #9 

    Narcotics are responsible for some of the most dangerous effects on your mental functioning. The sooner one quits, the better.

Habit #10 

    Loneliness may also prove unhealthy for your mind. You may sit in your room and enjoy music without interacting with any one around but gradually, lack of social life may diminish your intelligence. These are some habits that wreck your intelligence. If you know about such habits, please share your ideas with us.

Friday, 4 September 2015

8 Foods To Make Your Skin Younger

       You must have tried many beauty products on your skin with the sole motive of keeping it young. Well, it is time to try some foods for young skin.

        Yes, foods do work from inside. There are some foods to keep your skin healthy. In fact, relying on them is better than relying on beauty products. If you have a set budget to spend on beauty products, spend them on fruits and vegetables or other foods for younger looking skin.

      You will never regret your investment as they keep your skin naturally young. But of course, there are no over-night results. But there are no side effects too. Here is the list of such foods.


      Simply remember this: watermelon has water. So, it hydrates your skin. It also provides vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Consume it frequently for good skin.


    Lycopene is an anti-oxidant that tomatoes provide. It can guard your skin against the sun and also keeps your skin young by minimising the ageing effects.


    Do you know why kiwis are a part of ant-ageing diet? Well, they supply Vitamin C and also help keep your skin young.  


    Your skin can retain its elasticity if collagen is produced well in your body. This fruit boosts its production apart from contributing other vitamins and minerals.


    How does spinach keep your skin young? Well, it provides Vitamin C, K, Folic acid, fibre and minerals too. It is considered as one of the best ant-ageing foods.


    This vegetable enhances your skin quality by providing Vitamin C, E and B6. It also combats free radical damage.


    Avocado comes with anti-ageing compounds. Along with minerals like Potassium, it also supplies skin friendly Vitamins to soothe your skin.


    One good reason to trust berries when it comes to skin issues- they contain anti-oxidants and Vitamin C too. These are just a few foods that keep your skin young. Share your ideas with us if you know more such foods.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

How Negative Emotions Harm Your Body

      Do you know how emotions affect your body? Well, the logic is pretty simple. The mind and the body are connected. Each affects the other.

      How do emotions harm your body? Well, positive emotions release feel good chemicals and negative ones release stress hormone and adrenaline. Though they aren't totally negative, your body undergoes stress when they are released.

    So, it is a scientific fact that negative emotions affect the body. When our ancestors have repeatedly asked us to reduce stress levels and enjoy a relaxed life, we gave a deaf year but today science proved the actual link between the mind and the body. 
      Are you wondering how negative emotions affect the body? Read on to know... 

Anger Weakens Liver 

      A fit of rage isn't so healthy to the liver, experts say. Anger may cause indigestion, diarrhea and in women, menstrual issues too. When you suppress anger, it might also affect your liver.

Worry Disturbs Your Spleen 

    Fatigue and digestive issues may arise. Your spleen which is located near the stomach may get affected with this emotion.

Joy Affects Your Heart 

     Yes, extreme levels of excitement may sometimes shock your heart! Whether the origin of stress is positive or negative, side effects like anxiety, insomnia and heart issues do show up.

Obsessive Thinking 

     If you are losing sleep over any issue then it might also affect your spleen. Your appetite may suffer. Your skin may become pale.

Fear May Scare Your Kidneys 

    When you are scared, you may even urinate, right? Anxiety and extreme levels of fear directly stress up your kidneys. Do you know the fact that even fear of future can also damage your kidneys?

Extreme Sadness Affects Lungs

      When you are sad, your lungs may get affected. You may feel depressed, exhausted and may feel difficulty in breathing and may feel like crying.

Shock Kills Your Heart And Kidneys 

     When you are shocked, your heart and kidneys go through tough time due to the overflow of adrenaline. Severe shock can even kill you.

Laughter Reduces Stress

     When you laugh, your stress vanishes and when you love, your fear vanishes and when you are happy your depression minimizes. So, this is how positive emotions can save your life and add years to your lifespan. Share your ideas with us if you have ever felt uplifting due to positive emotion

7 Scientific Ways To Bust Stress

         Relaxation is good because it reduces stress. To be stress free, we often try many things but not all give good results. Let's check out the scientific ways to be stress free. With the current work pressure or academic pressure, we all undergo stress. These days, there is no age bar for being stressed. Ways to deal with stress or coping up with stress is the main priority.

     Schools, colleges and work places have stress management sessions quite often. This is mainly due the peer pressure we face and due to the stress symptoms. If you are stressed and need to know how to tackle the issue, this article is just right for you.

Listen To Relaxing Music

      This is the most common way to reduce stress. When you hear soothing music, it calms your nerves. This helps in relaxation and helps you to relieve stress.

Have A Makeout Session 

    This is one of the scientific methods to reduce stress. Making love does reduce stress. Kissing releases a chemical known as oxytocin, this chemical helps in reducing stress.

Watch A Funny Movie 

    Having a hearty laugh is a proven way of stress buster. People who laugh quite often have a lower level of cortisol and this helps to reduce stress.

Take A Yoga Class 

    Join yoga classes as this helps you to reduce stress and keeps you fit. Exercises with a combination of controlled breathing and specific poses help you relax your muscles and avoid depression and anxiety as well.

Eat Chocolate 

    Happy chemicals are released in the body when you munch in a dark chocolate. This helps to keep your stress at bay.

Get A Pet 

    When you see or play with your pet, you get more relaxed. Studies prove that people who have furry friends tend to have lower blood pressure. Having a pet to love and care for will help to keep you stress free.

Ignore Your Phone 

      Last but not the least, you can keep your phone away as this reduces stress. Spend some time all by yourself and feel the difference. This is one of the scientific ways to bust stress. If you have any ideas or points to be shared on being stress free then feel free to share with us.

Can your body really heal itself?

     Can your body really heal itself? Under ideal conditions, your body can do a good job in repairing itself. The human body is designed in such a way.

    How does your body heal itself? It has a system in place and it is called as immune system. It has got extraordinary capacities of healing. Imagine this situation: On a daily basis, your body is exposed to smoke, toxins, gases, poisons and on the other hand, microorganisms like bacteria, virus and fungi. If your body isn't fighting with all of them, you would have been non-existent on this planet.

      Your immune system is nothing but a complex network of organs, tissues and cells which offer protection from various foreign invasions. All diseases can be kept at bay when you have your immunity in place. The moment a microorganism tries to enter your system, your immune system sends an army to attack the parasite. This is how you are being protected from infections, diseases and in fact this is how you are being healed after an injury. 

    When you are suffering from fever, it just means that your body is busy fighting with some foreign bodies that are trying to harm you. In a way, both inflammation and fever are necessary aspects of human survival.

   Your immune system includes your hormones, antibodies, white blood cells, spleen, thymus, bone marrow and skin too. In fact lymph and blood tend to flow to various parts of your body to distribute the components of immune system to the whole body.

    The moment a problem arises, your white blood cells get into a fight. They use antibodies as their ammunition. They don't rest until the foreign body is overpowered. The lifespan of these white blood cells is just about 2-3 weeks.

     Have you wondered what inflammation is? The swelling and redness are a result of your body's response to something that irritated it.

    When you are suffering from fever, your body is busy sending army of white blood cells to combat with foreign bodies or micro-organisms. In that phase, your metabolism may speed up.

     Being happy is being healthy. How? When the release of feel good chemicals is more, it is indirectly good for your immune system.

      When you skip sleep for a few days, you suddenly tend to start catching cold or other minor infections. This is because your body's immune power gets diminished when you skip sleep.

    Stress literally taxes your immune system in a terrible way. Say no to it at least now!!!

    Sunlight helps your body prepare itself to fight against certain types of issues like cancers and depression. But also remember that a sun burn can affect the immunity in a bad way.

     When your immune system attacks your own cells then it is a condition called autoimmune disease.

    Not all germs are harmful. Some micro organisms are required for our survival whereas some harm us. Your body fights only with those bad boys. 

How Dangerous Is Alcohol?

     Though most of us clearly know the health effects of alcohol, we tend to take things easy. We enjoy the high it gives after a tiresome day or a lonely evening.

     The problem with alcohol is that, it damages many organs inside and on the outside it can be responsible for dangerous behavior and may even cause death by accidents.

      If the health risks of alcohol are to be understood, you must take a look at some serious facts that explain how alcohol is claiming many lives all over the world. Read on...

Fact #1 

       A study claims that nearly 6 people are getting get killed every minute due to alcohol on this planet.

Fact #2 

     Health experts say that certain types of cancers can be prevented just by avoiding drinking and smoking habits.

Fact #3 

    Most of the violent acts, crimes, accidents and anti-social behaviors happen due to alcohol influence all over the world.

Fact #4 

   Alcohol gets into your bloodstream soon after you start drinking. There is no digestive process before that.

Fact #5 

    Your brain just needs 5 minutes to get influenced by your drinks. So, you are considered inebriated from the 6th minute.

Fact #6 

     Current statistics say that the addicts are more of men and less of women.

Fact #7 

    Most of the famous celebrities all over the world died due to drug abuse or alcohol abuse.

Fact #8 

    If you have to burn the calories of half a bottle of wine, you might need to keep running fast for 30 minutes.